Homeless Guy Rages against Getting Comfortable. Thoughts on Sabbath / rest days

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Homeless Guy Rages against Getting Comfortable. Thoughts on Sabbath / rest days

Post by iSpoogeDaily »


Still running after a long streak of work and an extra busy day at work. Instead of being tired, I'm amped. Don't wanna stop, and I can't stop.

But indeed one needs to rest eventually. Maybe skip breaks for a season or two, higher order cycles of rest. But the bank account needs to be paid back.

There's so much energy in doing the right thing, and doing things right.




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Okay, hey, and welcome to the Ice Boog Daily Channel.

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It's a Saturday between Good Friday and Easter or the Controversy, the new lead

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declared by the President trans-sexual day of visibility.

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Woohoo! So now, sort of like Christmas, do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday?

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Do you say Happy Easter or Happy Trans Day of Visibility?

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Just what we need, right? More decisions to make, which one are you gonna say?

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And hey, whenever you see a binary, it's often a false dichotomy. You might be able to just say,

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Hey, how's your day going, man? Why not? So yeah, end of a long streak of work, I've got two days

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off, feels good. Now days off are great when everything's open and what not, but having

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holiday Mondays off and actual holiday Sundays off when you live in a car.

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Am I gonna complain about that? Be in a big complaint channel, hey, we'll figure out,

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see the thing is it's not being seen at the bottom, it's a status legibility thing.

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So like the few things that are open, like everyone's like, okay, cool, you don't have a family,

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or if it's like a park work or they're like, it's completely empty except for this guy who's here every day.

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Now I like him even less than I didn't like him before.

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And, you know, the other homeless people might want to like come and make a community like, hey,

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looks like you don't have a family, you want to be a community with us? No, I don't.

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I want to just find a spot to work, do that. For some reason, I went out of my way this morning

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and charged my jacquery at Starbucks, I don't usually do that, but I'm like, all right, I've got a

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couple days off, I need to get a top-off. For some reason, I sat there for like two hours and it only

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charged 35 percent. There's plugged in the whole time, I don't know why, I pulled it out

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expecting it to be like 60, 70 percent. It wasn't. And that's pretty irritating and it's Saturday

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at 4 o'clock, I expected the library to be open. It's not, it seems like holiday weekends,

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it closes on Saturday or something. Because yeah, it's usually open until five today,

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it's usually only closed Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, now it's closed Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday.

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So yeah, I thought I'd be able to top it off here as well, could not.

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And I'm thinking about dinner, I had Taco Bell yesterday or two days ago,

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for the first time in a while, a week or two, and it just was not satisfying or filling at all

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two for five is what I got instead of three for eight. I might do three because in theory, I like it,

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it's it's hardy, but actually after what I've been eating in the park, that is hardy. That's

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some homemade stuff, I pick stuff with low preservatives, etc. And I just smash it down and man,

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that fills me up. It's great. It is raining today, which hasn't stopped me from cooking in the

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park before. Now it's just like, I just sat at work for six hours, didn't take a break.

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I mean, I took the legally required breaks, but yeah, I hate taking breaks at work, and so I'd rather

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you know, you're supposed to get like a 10 minute break and then a 30 and then a 10 or whatever.

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I'm more than the 10s are basically not documented. The 30s documented, and that's what gets me

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in trouble. I could have stayed longer today if I had taken a 30, but I didn't, because then

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it starts going into the time and a half if you didn't. Good for me, but you know, I understand the boss.

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So yeah, we had a ton of extra work today, which was great, and I could have stayed extra,

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because we ended up with like, double the amount of pans to wash at the end, and then like

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three things of glass dishes that we're soaking. At most, I'll leave one, usually I knock it all out

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by the time I leave, and then there's like a little burst of stuff that comes right at the end,

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but the next guy who comes after like an hour picks it up. So like, I think most of the prep happens

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in the morning, but I don't know. I always just work the mornings. It's totally fine.

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Even six days, that's six hours a week. That's totally fine.

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I suppose to five x eight or whatever, totally fine. But yeah, so since I was just so like busy with

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like prep today, and I mean way more glass dishes than usual too, so I think there's probably more

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customers as well. Going on, I don't want to give too many details, just in case someone's

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able to figure out what sit I am in. It would be pretty easy to figure out what venue I work at.

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It's a good one. It's really nice one. I'm lucky to work there. So anyway, I had to leave a few

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a few tubs of dishes soaking, but at least soaking, you know, usually you just soak the ramicans or whatever,

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but yeah, whenever it's soaking, you just got to like spray it off real quick, and you can just

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throw them on there. It's probably like four or five racks of dishes. I left a couple of racks for

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you know, I coordinated my last 15 minutes with the manager who is coming on. I'm like, I can basically

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either catch up the glass, but we've got a ton of glass, or I can do the pots. It looks or the

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pans. It seems like, you know, pans are more limited. I should do those. It's like, yeah, whatever,

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like, I trust you. And like, yeah, it's right about the pans. So yeah, I just knocked those out.

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Anyway, you guys don't need play by play. Hey, can you tell the narcissist wasn't there today,

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or the narcissistic person wasn't there today? Because yeah, it's actually like, whenever,

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yeah, it's like good smooth day is all the time. That's what keeps you with narcissistic abuse

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is the good smooth days. But then they start, you know, turning your thumb screws, turning your thumb

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screws, turning your thumb screws, turning your thumb screws, more and more harder and harder every time

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you see them. So it's like, good days, good days aren't, good days aren't, and then one of the

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aunts is like, made up complaints that, you know, sends HR legal, blah, blah, blah,

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going crazy on you. And you saw the signs and you wish you would just quit a week ago before this

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happening, because you knew something was going to happen eventually, blah, blah, blah. Anyway,

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so yeah, another option for food, anyway, blah, blah, blah, all over the place.

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Narcissistic man, they're sneaky. Narcissism is sneaky. Can't say narcissist, necessarily narcissism.

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Because everyone is on a spectrum of narcissism and it can be contextual, like I was talking

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yesterday, all about narcissism. So yeah, we're just, we're pet,

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so like there was that trough of like, okay, started a new job, so expenses are up,

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dwindling resources, and supporters definitely pulled me through. So now we're at the point where we're

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like, through, we're just waiting on paycheck, so I'll get paid again in a, on a little under a week.

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And that'll be super good. Like I said, in like two to three paycheck, so I'll be able to call

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myself, not homeless. So that's good. You know, I basically moved to this town,

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figured out the lay of the land, got a job within a month. After moving to a town, figuring out

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the lay of the land and getting a job within a couple weeks, whatever. So yeah, there's a couple

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places I could go for food. Now we're at the point where like, I could probably afford to go out and

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get a pretty decent dinner and still make it to the next paycheck, but it's just like,

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I just want to, I'm just in retain resources mode, and although God provides

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and asking each other to see even whatnot, like whenever I spend extra money that I shouldn't,

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I get supporters giving donations. It's so weird. Like, it's not like I'm sitting here like talking

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about, I spent the money and the donation comes in. It's like, I spend the money and then I come back,

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and next time I check my email, there's donations. It's like the craziest thing.

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So I could just go out and splurge on whatever food I want to try. I'm at the point where I've been

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just running a super tight ship, so I don't know what the places are really. Like, there's a

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couple next in places that are good. There's one where I get this super good burrito, but it ends

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up being like 15 bucks with tip, where my normal meal that I make at the park,

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which lacks produce, unfortunately, you know, it doesn't have any of the fresh produce.

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It's just got like the canned tomato sauce and diced tomatoes and peppers from a can.

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I think that one probably costs about $4 to $5 for $1,500 at least.

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Or I go to Taco Bell, it costs $5 to $8 for pretty much the same stuff, except way more preserve,

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like, like, basically Taco, what I make is like my super sweet version of what I get at Taco Bell,

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which is just the bean burrito, fresco style, meaning no cheese, add tomatoes and then add seasoned

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diced, three of those, and that ends up being pretty good. And then Chipotle, Chipotle,

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however you want to pronounce that's pretty good one for like nine bucks, considering they don't

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accept tips, or they don't advertise tips. I don't know if you can tip them or not,

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but it doesn't, like, oh, maybe it does on the credit card thing.

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But anyway, I think I usually walk out of their spending like nine, 10, 11 bucks.

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So like between Chipotle and my big burrito, Chipotle has more, I always get the bowl there

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instead of a burrito. So like Chipotle produce, has better produce and glock and stuff, I can't say

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better glock. The place I go for the burrito puts avocado, instead of glock, like Ross,

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sliced of avocado on there. Ross, slices of avocado I can talk, I swear.

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So, it's good that the most comfortable thing is going to the park and making food.

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It's like partially price. It is a lot cheaper and I am a lot more comfortable not spending the extra

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money. But on the other hand too, I kind of want to be alone. Like I don't want to talk to anybody

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else, like one thing. I pulled into the library and like, so my initial thought that I wanted to talk

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about when I got on the stream is actually it's good to not let yourself get comfortable as a homeless

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person. And so one I got to the library was an open. There was just some guy walking out here.

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He's still walking around actually I just peeped over who knows what he's doing, not a homeless guy

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at all like shower nice cashmerey sweater, not cashmerey like what is it kind of like nitty.

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Sort of not too different from this sweater except gray. And then there's, you know, a normal

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homeless guy who is I was here, guy who doesn't do drugs, whatever. The roommate guy, like I'm not

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trying to make this a drama, you know, because like this guy could see it. I don't want to say disparaging

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things too much. You know, I don't want to get comfortable. I don't want to like get into like a roommate

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level of comfort with somebody because I'm out here just trying to get out of here.

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And you know, in some ways two people is better than one and some ways one person is the best.

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Like it just depends where the people are at. I'm not trying to get comfortable with people who are

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comfortable. In a sense if I found someone who worked as hard and thoroughly and had as much

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vision and drive as I do and they were just not trying to get comfortable except like one day a week

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that they take off. And if it just happened to be the same day that I take off to or if they

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understood that there'd be uncomfortable on a day that I'm working means don't have in bother me.

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Then maybe I could do a roommate situation, but I don't want to get that familiar

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comfortable with anybody. I'd rather live in a car than have a roommate. I'd rather have my own

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place than live in a car. I'd rather live in a car than live in an apartment. I don't want to have

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apartment neighbors. I want to have a stand alone dwelling house.

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And I just don't want to get comfortable to the point where

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getting comfortable with somebody becomes its own little pit.

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Because what it's always what doors am I opening?

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I was going to say what doors are they opening, but also what doors am I opening that bothers them.

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Because I'm not saying that I'm immune to body snatching. I can be body snatched and be a problem

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to somebody else. Then we've got to like talk it out, figure out a compromise,

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blah blah blah. It's fine. I can do it. I've done it a hundred times.

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But I just don't want to spend that energy like my cup is and full. I don't really have that kind of

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energy. So if I were in like some kind of barracks, yeah fine we're all in the same page where

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we all have a unified mission. And we all probably have the same days off or they understand that

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everyone has one day off and I've been bothered people on their day off. Like,

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because I just like to go go go go go go go go. I don't like like I was saying I don't like to take

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breaks even at work. When I have when I met a job where it's like you have to take your 10

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minute breaks, you have to take your 30 minute break. I hate that so much. I and then you get

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talked to for not taking your breaks because it's going to be like a corporate employer that's more

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on top of the breaks. Like sometimes if you have managers you don't take accountability,

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like female managers, women cannot lead. Oh my god that'll get me thrown off YouTube definitely.

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But it's just women can be bosses, managers, extremely competent, you know,

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nail, nail stuff that works with their aptitude. And of course there's a bell curve. Everyone's

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going to have some exception here there. But anyway, yeah I really shouldn't decide that but

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here we are with this video. It's going to go up. That's a whole can of worms I really shouldn't

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have opened. But hey I don't want to get too comfortable on YouTube either. If I get thrown off YouTube

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you guys know where to find me. I'm not sitting here worried about it. I am momentarily worried about

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it but hey well we'll throw it and see what sticks. So yeah we got like two more minutes in this

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video max and trying to find a theme. So I mean go go go don't get comfortable and then

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yeah I just talked a little bit about the different options like I just haven't even let myself get

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comfortable like I'm comfortable in the grind and I know that's not a long term sustainable thing

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and you know whatever but if you're in a situation like I'm in you don't want to take breaks you

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just you it's sort of like I've said for a long time that Sabbath day rest days are the hardest days

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but you know I do I am 100% aware that rest is part of the workout in gym terminology like I said

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yesterday you know you workout you damage your body and you eat or you have fat as fuel to repair

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the damage that was done that's actually the whole process of working out. So if you're not getting

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the calories if you're not getting the rest which is when like the repair happens with the calories

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then you're not doing an effective workout. So I am aware there are limits to burning the

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candle at both ends you know giving a hundred and ten percent that is the logic behind that is

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the logic behind taking a Sabbath day a day of rest. You could work six days at a hundred and ten

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percent and then take the seventh day and give zero percent that is actually only six hundred and

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sixty percent as opposed to seven hundred percent right so even though you go a hundred and ten

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percent every day you're still resting that final day recharging you're getting that extra 40 percent

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budget so you could even do 115 percent four days before the tank is completely empty right

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so there's definitely logic and God does command it is a commandment to observe the Sabbath

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so I get it but on the six days you're working you just want to go go go not get too comfortable

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so I think that's kind of the theme even when you're homeless rest is part of the workout

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yeah there we go so thanks for this porter thanks for the support and man I still got to figure out

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how to edit a video by the end of the month I far surpassed my ten video upload goal so I've got

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like today and tomorrow to figure something out it might just be a ten minute thing they say like three

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or four minutes for every minute of production oh I just went over good lord so now that I've gone over

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I can slow down take a breath thanks everybody I hope to meet that goal of

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producing a video I do have some ideas we'll see where I can find to work tomorrow

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I might actually go and get a coffee tonight I don't like to get coffee in the afternoon

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but I might just go and do it today

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man I'm just I'm buzzing so hard from work like I've been going and going and going but I've got

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so much energy even I didn't take a break because that's just like it's like you go to do a

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big workout you get a ton of energy part of the background noise I don't have any control over that

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lord only knows lord only knows something that I'm not even gonna say it

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well it is related so I'll say it something that I've noticed people in this town do

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is if there's a bunch of should I say it people really don't like homeless people and I do

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stuff like honk their horns to bother them in the night and that's making sure the

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homeless people aren't getting comfortable but you don't know if they're on their rest day if

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they're on their rest day it's absolutely inappropriate to bother them

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I mean in general it would always be inappropriate to do that but

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you don't on the theme of just not letting yourself get comfortable to me I kind of enjoy the fact

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that there's random bomb fights in the middle of the night sometimes you know random

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it sucks to get woken up but at the same time it's like yo I'm not getting comfortable here

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I don't want to be in this situation any longer than I have to be here and taking rest days

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does not necessarily draw the situation longer if it is part of your sustainable path out like I have a

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I have a go-go-go path out but observing Sabbath is something I want to do

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and is important and I think yeah not doing it for a period a season you know a few months

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whatever is probably also a grander order of going 110% not taking the Sabbath sometimes

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there is you know you're not supposed to judge which day someone takes a Sabbath or whether they do

00:23:07,000 --> 00:23:16,520
it or not as well and there's examples of apostles working on the Sabbath you know like if you're

00:23:16,600 --> 00:23:25,880
hungry you gotta get some wheat from the field kind of thing and yo do your own homework and confirm

00:23:26,280 --> 00:23:37,400
what I've said about that topic but yeah so I'm gonna reiterate on another note I'm gonna reiterate

00:23:37,400 --> 00:23:44,680
so the discussion forum is now open I'll put the link in the bottom to the thread for each video's

00:23:44,680 --> 00:23:53,800
discussion and it's open to supporters and the forum is verified registration so I know

00:23:53,800 --> 00:23:59,160
nobody's gonna register without getting by me so it's not gonna be spambers people who bother

00:23:59,160 --> 00:24:06,360
et cetera and then if I recognize you I will add you to the IceBooge Daily supporters group and then

00:24:06,360 --> 00:24:14,360
you'll be able to interact with the threads I start on that sub forum and if I don't recognize

00:24:14,360 --> 00:24:23,240
you any registered just email me tell me that that's you because you can use a 100% fake name that

00:24:23,240 --> 00:24:30,360
I'm all on board with you can do whatever you want I'll just reiterate I'm not gonna host it I can't

00:24:30,360 --> 00:24:38,920
predict the future but I'm hosting it on my server so that I have 100% full non-amassulated moderator

00:24:38,920 --> 00:24:45,080
power I'm the benevolent dictator for life if there's a problem I've got the IP address and everything

00:24:45,080 --> 00:24:54,760
now obviously you can use your own VPN or whatever if you want to do that you know like

00:24:57,320 --> 00:25:02,760
it just matters to me that I make a best effort attempt to get the information like I don't

00:25:02,760 --> 00:25:11,400
foresee problems with people who have supported but you know it's I just think that it's important

00:25:11,400 --> 00:25:17,400
to maintain control of your server when you know the issues I all refer to you to yesterday's video

00:25:18,040 --> 00:25:27,960
for for all the details there I just want to reiterate that yeah I do want to give a voice to my

00:25:28,040 --> 00:25:34,040
supporters I do not want to I want to use the benefits of the platforms that are there but I don't

00:25:34,040 --> 00:25:40,360
want to be able to be knocked down if the platform and I disagree especially when it's a platform

00:25:40,360 --> 00:25:46,920
that I'm not paying you know they're monetizing through ad revenue and I'd rather just own the

00:25:46,920 --> 00:25:57,320
forum that the discussion happens on just so that nothing is left up to chance so yeah thanks a lot

00:25:57,320 --> 00:26:07,240
I know this one ran a little bit longer you know we'll see if I keep doing this every day or not

00:26:07,240 --> 00:26:15,880
I do need to work on the format like this format has proven good the 20 minute format not the 26 minute

00:26:15,880 --> 00:26:27,240
format going over them doing today if you haven't taken a breather in a while go ahead and take one

00:26:27,480 --> 00:26:32,520
if it's an appropriate time for you you can do that I don't know what I'm going to do in the

00:26:32,520 --> 00:26:38,120
next couple days um hopefully editing a video will be a nice change of pace and leisurely

00:26:38,840 --> 00:26:45,000
I did just prove it out and just make a very very quick demo where I drop some pictures and clips

00:26:45,000 --> 00:26:51,560
and layers into some new software so at least know this software will work and not like crash when I open it so

00:26:52,520 --> 00:27:05,720
Sunday Monday we'll see you will see and yeah just not like on living in public so yeah it's like

00:27:09,000 --> 00:27:13,080
like anyone could approach me at any time while I'm recording these videos and we're doing the one

00:27:13,080 --> 00:27:18,360
take no fakes so now suddenly like there's some random person approaching me in the video right

00:27:19,160 --> 00:27:27,400
not fun or I lose the whole thing or that forces me to have to edit so yeah third ending is the

00:27:27,400 --> 00:27:32,680
charm will end it here thanks a lot for the supporters and everything thanks for your patience

00:27:33,960 --> 00:27:41,480
definitely looking forward to building together and seeing where this all goes it's been a very very

00:27:41,480 --> 00:27:50,120
long journey and yeah thanks a lot take care goodbye


Let's pump Patreon to 5 people by Mar 31. Number of people matter more than dollar amount... put anything in, even $1/mo. is awesome.

Venmo, Patreon: harlanji

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Functional Resume: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/gBTZ1dumHogumathi

Brand Page, Products, etc: https://hogumathi.glitch.me/brand/ispoogedaily.html

Thanks for watching.

Supporter Comments: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=30

Email: ispoogedaily@gmail.com
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