Homeless Guy Tried To Record This For 2+ Hours, 5 moves. Showing up when it makes no sense. [2024-04-06]

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Homeless Guy Tried To Record This For 2+ Hours, 5 moves. Showing up when it makes no sense. [2024-04-06]

Post by iSpoogeDaily »


So exhausted just trying to record today. Burned hours and like a gallon of gas moving around. No real point. Got in 8 hours of work which was awesome, had some vegan food left over to eat... yummy.




00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,480
Yo, and welcome to the Ice Pooge Daily Channel.

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It is a Saturday, and this is an experimental tech and media brand.

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I've been trying to record this for going on three hours now, and I just almost had

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Again, I've almost had another one.

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I've done stuff like show my screen, as I played back, previous takes, and the theme

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has just been people coming up to me, people insects, and then technical problems, and

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like, no matter what I do, I can't get one off, which, on the other hand, like, yo, and welcome

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here's the first take, and I'll finally work to do that, find what we got, something like

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a day laid up, part of that one's there, so you know, it's really freaking hard, getting

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an eight hour work today, finally, this, oh, oh, maybe it's just hard for homeless people,

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because homeless people are, right, for you, it'd be really easy for you to get an eight

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hour work today, you know, college for engineering, whatever, doesn't matter, your homeless,

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you just committed fraud to get that degree or whatever, because your homeless, you've

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always been a piece of crap, your homeless is just evidence of what you've always

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been, all right, so I'm sticking, what am I going to eat today, I really don't want

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to talk about, I don't know if I want to go to the park, it's kind of late, and then, well,

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look at that, we got a magical can of food for yesterday, and I'm about to take a bite

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out of it, even though it was not refrigerated all day, it smells fine, you know, what

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do, vegan, that's a huge bonus to being vegan, if you're a bad life, or homeless is

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no dairy, no meat, equals, well, stuff can still go bad, but if there's no meat or dairy,

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you're not really messing with, yeah, stuff can still go bad, I'm not advising, you leave

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your food out for 24 hours, love, like me doing dumb food, safety handling, or whatever,

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they're like, yeah, it doesn't happen to me, they're dairy to go bad, but smells fine to

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me, man, our noses are really good, I'm dissecting myself is not good, so yeah, I need

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out of our day, despite how hard it is, there must be some accident, how did homeless

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guy decrod his employer into giving him eight hours, how did he defrod his way into employment?

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I got no idea what I'm going to talk about today, we're just getting on here, for 20 minutes,

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I have my demeanor change because it doesn't work, I don't have a private place to

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just stop and think, so I just go go go, you see that bang creep in behind, I'm like

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sinking, like, I'm not this, he meanders, meanders, creeps, this guy approaches me,

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so yeah, I recorded this one, I recorded another one, and here comes more, yo, and welcome

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to the Ice Boots Daily Channel, this is an experimental tech and media brand, you're almost,

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oh, maybe it's just hard for homeless people, I just get out of work, it's really like this

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right where I'm sitting, so yeah, there's definitely some kind, some record this, second time

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at the library, I went to the park, I did a drive stream, a drama channel, moving, we're at all

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moves, just, like, just whenever I'm bullied, I'll just leave, I'll move, why should I fight back?

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All that's going to do is get me in trouble, so yeah, I don't know what I'm going to talk about on this

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stream, but, people are approaching me, like, every single time, this one is costing me

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dollars and dollars of gas, it's costing me hours of time, do I need to use the full 20 minutes

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no, I still don't have internet access, so I'm gonna have to go back to the library again to

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upload this or do it tomorrow, I got nothing, you know that first

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clip of the video said it all, I got some good vegan food, I got eight hours in at work,

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and I've been driving around for two hours, like, first time I've had guests in my tank

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despair, I got a whole half a tank with my first paycheck, second paycheck,

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and did I, like, I was sitting there feeling all energized and whatnot,

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why is recording that working out today, most people take that as a sign to stop, I take that as a

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sign to keep pushing, you know, the only requirement of this stream is to record a 20 minute

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video every day, that's not the forever format necessarily, but that's, I committed to it for 10 videos

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last month, and I guess we're already into the next month, so I'm not really under an obligation,

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but it is kind of a accountability thing, like, if I don't show up every day,

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people don't have to watch it, if it's not interesting, blah, blah, blah,

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I don't even want to recount all the different recordings I've tried to make because I already

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made a video of that, I could just play that video, so here would be a reason to edit,

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but it's just really wise it's so hard today, it's spiritual,

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I know my face is messed up because my teeth are messed up,

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so I use my tongue and try to push my teeth straight, so that when my teeth are straight, my face won't

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be messed up anymore, I haven't even been on the internet yet, I haven't checked any numbers,

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I haven't checked any videos, I don't have enough battery to do anything if I were to just

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give up now anyway, so why not just keep going? Right up to the last time, the last one that I

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recorded, that was maybe decent, I got again, 17 minutes in, and then I started the car to make

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sure the battery didn't die at the end, and someone yelled at me through the window about about,

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I'm not even going to repeat it, but they weren't actually scared or threatened, they just used it as,

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oh my gosh, it was more narcissistic stuff, what is going on, and I think in that same

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take prior, there was just this person like creep, this homeless person just creep by the way,

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they just slink, walks slowly, look at everything, I'm a different kind of homeless person,

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all I had, like literally all I'm saying today is man, it's been so hard to record everything's been

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stopped in the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I feel good, but man, it sure is hard to record today,

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like, I've tried different angles on it, like there is no loss is only lesson, what is the lesson

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from all of this today? The lesson might be to just have some pre-recorded upload, but that's

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literally the opposite of how I usually want to do things, like energetically, I want to upload it as

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close to recording it as possible, like, so that it is as present and relevant as possible, like

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usually I even do live streams so that it's literally in real time, I don't know if you guys can hear

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the drawing of the battery pack, 4% battery left, I want to show up every day, I want to give

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valuable content, I'm just looking at my face, come on smile, you know you can be straight,

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like what do I call this video? Try to record video for two hours and

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kept getting interrupted, kept getting, you know, spiritual warfare kept stopping me,

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but then what do I, what's the actual subject that I upload? Like is this the video or do I do

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another take? I'm so tired of doing more takes, I could have given up a long time ago, I'm showing

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up y'all, even if it doesn't make sense, spending money to show up, even when it doesn't make sense,

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like there is such a thing as sunk costs fallacy, like I could just stop now and give up and get

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on tomorrow and be like, you know what? Yesterday, it was so expensive and so burdensome,

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trying to make a recording that I just quit. Most of you will believe that, you know,

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the critics will find an angle to say, oh no, don't know, duh, but

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I've got six more minutes, what do I say? So something good, I mean, I just went went

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went all day today, there was way too much work, which was good, like we could have had two

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dishwasher today, it would have been good. There's going to be a ton of work tomorrow as well,

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so that's going to be good too. So I got my eight hour day in for the first time in a long time,

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I got my food, you know what, maybe I will just go to Taco Bell tonight,

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upload from there internet instead of, no, but then I've got to bring the jackery in.

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I don't want to go back to the library third time, but I'm so close, I mean with this one, I just

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uploaded, boom, I stopped, I checked my numbers, blah, blah, blah.

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I mean, I've shown in, because the person is just willing to lie, the lie and say that I

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started it, and I don't want to sit there and like argue with some authority about who started it,

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probably not, stood up for myself. I wish as even sometimes people ask me questions and I answer,

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again, they said, I should probably just upload this one. I probably the future sure does sound nice,

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extra whatever, like they text me and I want to tell them that I don't text, but I don't want to

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do it over time. Oh, you guys are not looking at my screen. So it's like,

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well, I don't know that. So,

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like, so I got love bond, had that big conversation, missed the stream.

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I'm just folding right here, I'm just like, come on, are you serious, man?

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I'm like, really, really. Man, editing videos would suck. I didn't want to edit my videos,

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I mean, no. I like the one-take, no-fake thing. This isn't necessarily a logical conclusion to the

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20-minute daily series. It's just today has been just an absolute doozy trying to record.

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What is my lesson? Well, okay, now you know what suddenly here it is. I have more money suddenly.

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The universe is just smacking down everything I do. It's not like there's like an actual club

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of people who are conspiring to stop me. It's just the spiritual of today being like,

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you know what? You need to do something else. You need to do a weekly video in a professional

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studio that I could, you know, get ready and then do the recording in the studio or, you know,

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how do we do that? Or a co-working space that has like a conference room that I can book.

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I need to be able to book it every day at about the same time for a half an hour to just record the video.

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But then, you know, if there's people squatting or camping in the conference room,

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I've just got to make sure that no matter what, I can't be bullied out of that.

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Whatever space I buy, I can't be bullied out of that. Even neighbors can bully you by being like,

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you know, I get home at six o'clock and your hour seems to be recording a video or something.

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Could you just like do that earlier in the day or something like that's why you just,

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I was want to minimize my interactions with people as much as possible. Because the more

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stuff is popping off, the more aggressively they're going to try to like chop me down and hold me back.

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And they're not going to know what they're doing. It's like their body snatched.

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And so it's going to be like a zombie apocalypse. The brighter I glow, the more parasites are going to

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Well, you know, like, I literally have footage of a bug flying in and like going out and I tried to like,

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you know, put my hand by it and it came at my face. So we've got that footage here today. If I had an editor,

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editing is going to be a whole new frontier. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but yeah, we're finally

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coming up on 20 minutes in this take that's been just all over the place. I don't know what I'm going to call it, but

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I don't like to say what I'm going to do. I like to say what I've done. So thanks a lot for joining us

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and we made it. I'm looking forward to seeing you next time. Bye.


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