Homeless Guy going off about Costs: Time, Money, Energy [2024-03-16]

Moderator: iSpoogeDaily

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Homeless Guy going off about Costs: Time, Money, Energy [2024-03-16]

Post by iSpoogeDaily »


Thinking about how to get through to the next paycheck with $20. Not one solution, it's just a matter of trading energy and spending time waiting, due to the lack of money. Gotta batch things together where possible, blah blah.

I know talking about stuff like this can be felt as indirectly begging and hey, not wrong. But I'm good if nobody gives anything. I hate begging so much. There's no free lunch. But I also hate burning time and energy because I don't have money, and not getting to work toward my mission because I don't have the money or space. And I hate people treating me homeless, good lord, does that cost energy.

Anyway. I'm fine. Just gotta really get my priorities right and nail everything perfectly. God provides.




00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:08,400
Yo and welcome to the Ice Boog daily channel, it's a Saturday and it's absolutely

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beautiful. Just got done with work and then went to the library to get on the

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internet a little bit and I'm here now once again and yeah I'm not liking the

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scene with the curtains in the back. Looks really janky. Boeing Boeing

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it's just on a bungee cord. Some blackout curtains that were like 10 or 20 bucks. I think

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they work well. They're a functional part of my life and they just happen to

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also work for this stream I guess. I have no idea what I'm going to talk about.

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A couple of my videos did numbers. I got my first 1000 view that's cool. I mentioned that yesterday.

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It was the homeless guy ranting about homeless people video. Go figure. I knew it would be a

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little click baby. And then I'm really happy to see the three-letter social class.

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I say reading by the essay by Michael Church is doing numbers today. So that's cool.

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Yeah, I'm off work for at least the next two days. So that'll be nice.

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I've got about 20 bucks and we'll see what I do with that.

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I've got, I've got enough rice. I'm going to have to get some more beans.

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Got enough seasoning, olive oil, fuel, everything like that. I should just need some

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cans of beans. So I shouldn't have to keep Taco Bell in the budget.

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Even I don't know if I, you know. At least right now, since I've got all the other stuff,

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the marginal cost of the meal is basically a can of beans and the can of tomato

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sauce, which is collectively 250 for a decent size meal.

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And I have to get tortillas again pretty soon. That's like 3.79 for a decent amount that last

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good for our so meals. So yeah, I've not heard in too much on food.

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I could probably stock up on a couple gallons of water. That'll be like 350 or so.

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That'll last me a while.

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I've got to do laundry. That's the big thing that I'm kind of

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kicking is that's like seven or eight bucks depending on the load. I like to just do a nice load.

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I've been so like spread out on how much I wear things like this is my second shirt.

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For the last two weeks, I've been wearing my one other shirt like this. And then I've been wearing

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one t-shirt to work. And I think someone commented on my hygiene today, which is not good.

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Part in the background noise one second.

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Yeah, so I have been going to the shower even though I just paid the 70 bucks for the gym membership.

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Because my gas tank is literally been on E. And I've got like maybe a half a gallon in a gas can.

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And I put in one gallon yesterday.

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Like, man, I've just been running on fumes. And the gym is

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probably five mile round trip. So it's not huge, but the car with the bike and everything. The extra

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stuff, the trunk is probably getting closer to 20 miles per gallon right now. Maybe 25.

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So yeah, and then just between parking, getting to the library, getting back

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closer to where I park again to work. Like, I can't cut out the car trip to

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the library, but I could, if I went to Starbucks, cut out the car trip there. See,

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like the menial things that I'm thinking about because resource are so constrained. It's not

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a waste of time. It's just like, if you don't have money, you're spending a lot of time

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figuring out how to make your money stretch. So I really, you know, I basically

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look at thinking, you know, it'll be the better part of 10 bucks to do laundry.

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Because it's like five sum for a machine, like depends what's open, and then the dryer is another few.

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So I'm just calling it like 10 bucks out of the 20 to do laundry. And, you know, I really don't

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want to pay that. I've got the detergent and everything, but until I have more than, I don't

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want to spend half my money on laundry, basically. Because then, you know, it's like four bucks

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to go to Starbucks, and it would be nice, even though I call it child abuse to go to Starbucks,

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because the way I just go in, there's no like, hey, welcome in. They never put my name on an order.

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I always have to ask for a receipt. Like, I always get the same things, but it's like, how can I help you?

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You know, it's just so, it's like systematically impersonal. And every now and then a new worker will be

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there. I'm mistakenly like, treat me with courtesy and say, welcome in, offer me my receipt and everything.

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But once they know me, it's just systematically like as little effort as possible.

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You know, like, my supposed to tip $2 on a $265 coffee is the $1 tip just the bare minimum,

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so they're going to give me the bare minimum. Like, come on, I don't want to sugar drink every day.

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I want to black coffee every day. I'm not ordering it because it's cheap. Like,

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if I was trying to save money and maximize, I'd load it up with cream.

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I'm not. I get a black coffee and I tip a dollar on it. Like, come on. If that's seen as cheap

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because it's the lowest option, I, these people are going to get what's coming to them. I just

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am friendly and that my tip formula is priced divided by 10 times 2 around up. Coffee fits that with

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$1. That's over 20% baseline tip everywhere I go. If you're going to give me crap service for

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that, I only go like, this is registering bad karma for Starbucks workers who accept that and give

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me minimum. You know what? Like, I should be tip in one cent a lot of times. I should be

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tipping good or one cent, but I don't because, you know, that is out of fear in a sense because

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I, you know, I wish they would see me as a regular customer, but they don't, and they won't,

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but I'll just keep dipping them my regular formula and we'll see what that money buys them.

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I'm not trying to curse them or curse the money or anything like that. I appreciate the spot to sit,

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but I hate being treated so poorly. Child abuse treatment, they capture the essence of child abuse

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perfectly. And it's comfortable in some sense. Is it healthy that it's comfortable? Absolutely not.

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But, you know, Starbucks is all about the personalization this and that they systematically dehumanize

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me and refuse to treat me well. And I see the new cut, the new workers treat me well and then

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we don't treat that guy well. But I keep going because it fits in the budget and the day

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schedule, like nothing else does. Happy customer. Well, if you don't like it, go somewhere else.

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That's the point. The library's closed Sunday, Monday, Wednesday.

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Men with spend my last 20 bucks on Starbucks and be happy and feel like I got value.

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Well, I spend the money. That's not saying no, but well, I feel like I got a good bargain.

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Yeah, I can't force anyone to treat me well or have respect for me or anything like that.

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But it is just a polling service I get. If they want to see me as another homeless person,

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I've been rantin' about this for minutes now. I do nothing but good there. That's all I'll say.

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So, I'm sure someone has an idea like find an independent coffee shop, indeed, indeed.

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I usually only shop, go to independent coffee shops, but this going to Starbucks thing,

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you know, in a bunch of different cities has been a very interesting experience for me.

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I'm glad I did it, you know. Careful, there's a homeless person feeling joy,

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better beep those car alarms. No, I don't know if they can see me, but they, you know, once you start

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doing things like putting up curtains, it starts being weird. So, yeah, I was just kind of talking

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about like budgeting time versus money. I know I was gonna talk about when I got on the stream.

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But yeah, if you don't have money you pay with time and that's why I'm always happy to just pay

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whatever things cost because like this, the stuff that I do in the morning at Starbucks is actually

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my mission work. You know, what I feel God is calling me to do and not having that space in the

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morning to do it like coming here to the library, it is, you know, it's gonna be getting better

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conditions in the morning as time goes on, but you know, it is still March, we're coming out

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of it. It's really spring and summery in the afternoon, but in the morning, you still want to

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wrap up with the wool blanket, your fingers are cold. The internet actually doesn't even turn

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on until eight, so as long as I'm prepped and the sun comes up, I'd probably be seven, 10, I'm here

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by like seven, 15, 20. I don't want to get here before the sun comes up and I don't really want

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to get here before the Wi-Fi turns on, but I can do stuff without the Wi-Fi. It's just now the

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workers looking at me funny, like, you know, any time you're loitering somewhere weird, they know

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your homeless, it starts sending a weird energy to you and just like costs energy to deflect that

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energy and not absorb it and feel like they see you. I mean, it's like a real thing, they see you

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a certain way and you feel that way unless you can consciously block out the energy that they're

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sending to you. You don't want to feel it, so, you know, that's another one, you're not,

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if I go to Starbucks, you know, it's, I'm used to that terrible, you know, poor treatment, poor

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person treatment. It's a cost, I know, that I'm going to pay every time I go in and if I don't,

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I'm delighted, I even tip more. It's not about the tips, but money is just a tool to facilitate

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energy transfer. So if they give me normal service, I tip them a lot. If they give me prep service,

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I tip them normal. We'll see what those, you know, we'll see what those blessings do to them,

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you know, I'm not wishing anything bad on people, but

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I'm ready to process why Karlarm's trigger me. You know, not everyone is about me, but I'm

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definitely conditioned to know that if I'm sitting in a parking lot, there's extra like

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people passing by me and being like, oh, did I hit it? Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, like, good Lord.

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Energy costs. Oh, just don't take it so personal, man. I hear you, can only process so many of these

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not taking things personal in a day. I get it, man, I get it. So this is, like, I don't even know

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the titles of videos before I post them most of the time, homeless guy,

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wiles out, talking about cost trade-offs between time money and energy.

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That's a good one, homeless guy, wiles out, talking about costs. Time money energy.

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Is it too long? Anyway, yeah, so I'm going to go to the park, cook some, I've got chickpeas, potato, um, tomato sauce,

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rice, and... probably, uh, roots, the yellow, the yellow roots, he's named what it

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turmeric, and maybe salt and pepper. It'd be nice to have something sweet like coconut cream for that.

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That'd be really good. There's only one grocery store on the way that I'm not going to.

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There's another grocery store by the gym where I'm going tomorrow to take my first shower in like

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four days. Could go tonight, but now I'd rather just do a fresh in the morning, maybe go to Starbucks,

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maybe pay the extra money and go to another coffee shop where they'll treat me well.

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There's one that I like to go to, where they treat me well, still actually

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cost us a little bit more, but it's a bottomless cup, so I get my refill. I only have to tip once.

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I might tip well, even. Spend like five or six bucks, but see that's laundry money, right?

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So it's like coffee shop, laundry, I'm paid on Wednesdays, then I've got like eight or

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ten bucks left. Get a couple cans of beans. I like to have at least one Starbucks trip in the bank.

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Maybe nice to get to top off on gas. I put a gallon in yesterday. Maybe nice to just get another

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gallon. I've got a two gallon can. I've dipped in like half of it. It's good to have at least

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at least one gallon just chilling in your reserve in case you like. Super duper stall out and just

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have to put in some more gas. It's just a piece of mind thing like I could just dump in the rest

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and call it a day. But no, I'd rather spend just keep the extra intuitively. I'm feeling like

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there's 0.6 gallons in the can. At least a half a gallon closer to a gallon would be perfect.

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Even though it's a two gallon can, it's just that's where my mind is with a piece of my

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entire stuff, insurance type stuff. You know, fail-safe type stuff. I don't usually beg until I'm out

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but then there's some very, very baseline level stuff. Now winter's getting out. I'm getting

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to a point where I could sell my tire chains. Even though I don't day to day need my tire chains,

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if for some reason I had to go over the hill to Reno or something like it's just good to have

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the tire chains with you. So I mean, that's something I could potentially pond if not sell is the

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tire chains. Get out. It's like it's going to be so nice to just get that paycheck flowing. Get that

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savings built up again. Because right now all this spent time and energy is taking away from my creative

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endeavors. If I can't code, I'm at least uploading the videos, you know, just getting some exposure,

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getting my name out there, staying relevant. Maybe cross in some new problems, getting some new

00:17:37,440 --> 00:17:47,280
inquiries. I mean, while just knowing all that stuff is there and paused. It seems like, yeah,

00:17:47,280 --> 00:17:53,760
I mean, it's just life is in shambles. Like I just made that video saying, like, the most homeless you'll

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ever be is your last couple weeks before you start a job. That's really where we are. And thanks so much

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to the people who have helped out. I know that, you know, in some ways, this can feel like I'm just

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getting on here indirectly, begging without directly asking. And I'd say that's not wrong,

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but it's kind of different. It's kind of like I'm trying to busk and share stuff a little bit,

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like whatever I can. I'm obviously not scripting or writing or coming up with like show notes and

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points and things as much as I could. But, you know, when I started to do the gym, I just showed up

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every day, 45 minutes, like, no other requirements, just show up every day. And so if I can do nothing

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else better than at least these videos are doing that, just show up for 20 minutes, upload it.

00:18:45,360 --> 00:18:50,960
People don't have to watch it. They can tune out anytime. Now that we got the voice transcription

00:18:50,960 --> 00:18:56,640
too, like it's going to be easier to go back and like find collections of episodes, make playlists,

00:18:57,360 --> 00:19:01,760
edit stuff together into themes. I've kind of like talked about my vision for the channel as

00:19:01,760 --> 00:19:08,240
that in the past, just getting like all these raw videos, then, you know, as time goes on,

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you do the edit step and just kind of like use this source content, maybe record bridges,

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you know, just get some kind of theme. To the point where I could pay somebody to be my editor or,

00:19:19,920 --> 00:19:27,280
you know, whatever the case may be for that editor's, you know, dedicated editing as part of the

00:19:27,280 --> 00:19:36,400
process arrangement goes. I just add more value to this green field content. So, yeah, hit in the

00:19:36,400 --> 00:19:42,560
20 minute mark, decent cadence being established this week. Got a little bit of stuff doing numbers,

00:19:42,560 --> 00:19:48,880
trying some variety. So, thanks, everybody, for your patience and any other contributions,

00:19:48,880 --> 00:19:54,960
et cetera, that you've given, I'll get all the names put on to the leaderboard. It's on the

00:19:54,960 --> 00:20:00,400
Hogumati brand page, the description, but down below. So, thanks a lot. Bye.


Let's pump Patreon to 5 people by Mar 31. Number of people matter more than dollar amount... put anything in, even $1/mo. is awesome.

Venmo, Patreon: harlanji

Freelancer for hire: 90 day intro rate of $16/hr for Senior Dev or Fractional CTO services;

Functional Resume: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/gBTZ1dumHogumathi

Brand Page, Products, etc: https://hogumathi.glitch.me/brand/ispoogedaily.html

Thanks for watching.

Supporter Comments: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=31

Email: ispoogedaily@gmail.com
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